M&T Realty Capital Furnishes Loan for LIC Opportunity Zone Affordable

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M&T Realty Capital Corporation provided $38.71 million in financing for 29-17 40th Ave., a 103-unit affordable property in a Long Island City Qualified Opportunity Zone. Loan originators Matt Newton and Todd Trehubenko of the M&T RCC office in Boston arranged the Freddie Mac Targeted Affordable Housing loan on behalf of The Davis Companies, SB Development and Hazelton Capital Group.

“By working closely with the sponsors and Freddie Mac’s Targeted Affordable Housing group in this challenging interest rate environment, we were able to execute on a timeline that fit the needs of the sponsors’ business plan for this Opportunity Zone project,” said Newton. “The dedication from all parties was crucial in getting this deal across the finish line.”

Twelve of the units at 29-17 40th Ave. will be restricted to tenants earning 130% of the Area Median Income and 19 will be restricted to those earning 80%.

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